15 Ways To Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks
Want a slimmer waist, healthier body, and reduced risk of chronic disease then start fighting that belly fat today with these 12 tips to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.
Let’s face it: that marshmallowy middle you’re sporting didn’t get there overnight.
Stressful days at the office, indulging in one-too-many cheat meals or finding excuses to skip a day, week, or month’s worth of workouts are all making it easy to pack on the pounds and making it difficult to get them off.
Watching that extra junk around your trunk turn your body into a full-blown Buddha belly puts you at an increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and early death.
Luckily, losing weight doesn’t have to take forever; with these 15 belly fat-fighting tips, you can shave two inches off your waistline in as little as two weeks.
1. Get Good Night Sleep
Want to lose that belly fat? In your dreams!
Seriously, though: a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to get rid of that extra fat around your waist for good.
Among the 60,000 women participating in the Nurses’ Health Study, those who snoozed for fewer than five hours a night were at the greatest risk of becoming obese and gaining 30 or more pounds over the course of the 16-year study period when compared to those who slept for seven or more hours.
2. Close Your Personal Diner
Stop treating your kitchen like an all-night diner and you’ll stop seeing those unwanted pounds piling onto your frame, too.
The results of a study published in Cell Metabolism found that mice who only had access to food during an eight-hour period stayed slim over the course of the study, while those who ate the same number of calories over a 16-hour period gained significantly more weight, particularly around their middle.
When you’re finished with dinner at night, shut the fridge and don’t look back until morning — your belly will thank you.
When you do head back to the kitchen in the A.M., make sure the 12 Healthy Foods You Should Always Stocked In Your Kitchen are there waiting for you.
3. Eat More Calcium
Say cheese! Adding some extra calcium to your diet could be the key to getting that flat stomach you’ve been dreaming about.
Over just 12 months, researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville found that obese female study subjects who upped their calcium intake shed 11 pounds of body fat without other major dietary modifications.
To keep your calcium choices healthy, try mixing it up between dairy sources, calcium-rich leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.
4. Finish Your Veggies
Your parents weren’t kidding about how important veggies are for a healthy body.
What they probably didn’t tell you, however, was that snacking on veggies is also one of the easiest ways to shed unwanted belly fat, too.
According to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, opting for non-starchy veggies, like cauliflower, broccoli, and cucumber, as snacks helped overweight kids shed 17 percent of their visceral fat while improving their insulin sensitivity over a five-year period.
5. More Whole Grains
You don’t have to go low-carb to ditch those extra pounds around your waist in a short period of time.
In fact, opting for more whole grains might just get you there faster.
Researchers at Tufts University have linked eating three or more daily servings of whole grains to as much as a 10 percent reduction in visceral body fat, the kind that ups your risk for chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
6. Include Nuts In Your Diet
Sometimes, to whip your body into shape, you have to get a little nutty.
While nuts are high in fat, it’s that very fat that makes them such powerful weapons in the war against a ballooning belly.
In fact, research from Reina Sofia University Hospital reveals that study participants who consumed a diet rich in monounsaturated fats, like those in nuts, over a 28-day period gained less belly fat than their saturated fat-consuming counterparts while improving their insulin sensitivity.
7. Add More Fiber
The secret to a slimmer stomach in no time?
A whole lot of fiber in your diet.
Although many people are loath to add carbs to their diet when they’re trying to lose weight, adding the right, fiber-rich ones can have inches off your belly in a hurry.
In fact, researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that every 10-gram daily increase in soluble fiber was associated with a 3.7 percent decrease in dangerous visceral fat over five years.
Those who were active got even leaner, shaving off twice that much fat in the same amount of time.
To start ditching that extra belly fat today, add the 22 Best Foods For Fiber to your menu!
8. Lift Weights
Do you even lift, bro?
If you’re serious about getting rid of that belly fat fast, resistance training might just be the key.
A study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that adding weight training to adult male test subjects’ workouts significantly reduced their risk of abdominal obesity over a multi-year study period, although doing the same amount of cardio had no such effect.
Research from the University of Maryland even found that just 16 weeks of weight training boosted study participants’ metabolic rates by a whopping 7.7 percent, making it easier to ditch those extra inches around your middle.
9. Fill Up on Fish
If you’ve got weight to lose and you want it gone fast, try swapping out your usual proteins in favor of fish.
Not only is fish lower in calories than an equivalent amount of beef or chicken, but a study published in Obesity also reveals study subjects who added omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fish, to their diets shed more weight and had an easier time keeping it off than those who skipped them.
10. Run For Your Belly
You don’t have to be the next Usain Bolt in the making to enjoy some serious belly-slimming results from hitting the track from time to time.
Even a moderate-rate jog a few times a week can blast through that belly fat.
In fact, a study conducted at Duke University Medical Center found that, over the course of an eight-month study, overweight adult study subjects who jogged 12 miles a week lost the most belly fat and burned 67 percent more calories than participants who did an equivalent amount of resistance exercise, or a combination of cardio and resistance work.
11. Switch to Sprouted Bread
While it’s often assumed that bread is off-limits when you’re trying to lose belly fat, the right bread may actually expedite the process.
Switching to sprouted bread can help out carb-lovers eager to get their fix without going up a belt size, thanks to the inulin content of sprouted grains.
The results of a study published in Nutrition&Metabolism reveal that found that pre-diabetic study subjects whose diets were supplemented with inulin shaved off more belly fat and total weight than those whose meal plans didn’t pack this healthy prebiotic fiber.
12. Berries Over Refined Sugar
Instead of satisfying your sweet tooth with some refined sugar, turn to berries and enjoy a slimmer waistline in no time.
Berries are loaded with antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, and research from the University of Michigan reveals that rats given a berry-rich diet shaved off a significant proportion of their belly fat when compared to a control group.
Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are also loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant pigment that has been linked to reductions in belly fat and a reduced risk of dementia, to boot.
13. Avoid Sweeteners
While many people turn to artificial sweeteners in a misguided attempt to whittle their waistlines, those fake sugars are likely to have the opposite effect.
According to researchers at Yale, artificial sweeteners are actually linked with an increased risk of abdominal obesity and weight gain, possibly because they can trigger cravings for the real stuff and spike insulin levels in a similar fashion to real sugar.
14. Tart Cherries
That sour cherry is pretty sweet when it comes to your health.
The results of a study conducted at the University of Michigan found that rats given high-fat foods along with tart cherries ditched nine percent more body fat than those in a control group over just 12 weeks.
Cherries are also a good source of antioxidant pigment resveratrol, which has been linked to reductions in belly fat, dementia risk, and lower rates of macular degeneration among the elderly.
15. Get Under The Sun
While few would suggest you start hitting up the tanning beds for better health, getting some natural sunlight can help you get rid of those extra inches on your waist in a hurry.
Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that vitamin D-deficient overweight women between 50 and 75 who upped their intake of the so-called sunshine vitamin shed more weight and body fat than those who didn’t.
To practice safe sun, make sure you’re limiting yourself to 15 sunscreen-free minutes per day.
16. Flat Belly Drink
This potent 3000-year-old Japanese tonic melts 1 pound of belly flab per day.
Yeah, you read that right 1 pound in a single day!
It’s a powerful Japanese herb mix that’s been unknown to the Western public since it was discovered…
Mom of 3 Susan Atlee used it to lose 33lbs in 28 days after she suffered a heart attack from standing up too fast.
This tonic comes from a remote island in Japan where obesity and diabetes type 2 are unheard of.
And where men and women have the longest life expectancy in the world.
It’s so powerful because it targets the single root cause of belly fat.
Those who’ve used it are already seeing incredible results WITHOUT adding in exercise or changing their diet.
She’s still dropping weight...